

     1. Art and culturological factors in design.

Social, humanitarian and culturological problems of art history, methodological issues of design; problems of history, theory and practice of design and artistic and design culture; applied arts and fine arts.

     2. Trends in the development of art and fashion design.

Artistic and communicative features of design, stylistics and artistic means of design activity: modern concepts and trends of development; artistic modeling of costume, style, image, brand products, accessories and jewels, textiles, special purpose products, etc.

     3. Information technologies of visualization in design.

Computer design of the objective-spatial environment, photo-, video-, web-, motion-design, multimedia design: problems and trends of development; modern technologies of visual and communicative design.

     4. Graphic design: modern trends.

Problems and trends in the development of graphic design; modern trends and technologies of the creation of artistic objects of material culture, works of graphic design; aesthetics and means of promotional products creation.

     5. Prospects for the development of design of the architectural environment.

Theory and practice of architectural design, interior and furniture design, landscape design, eco-design, methodological aspects of theory and history of architecture.

     6. Business and educational aspects of design activities.

Branding, management and marketing in design, effectiveness of design solutions, trends in design development, modern educational technologies for training design specialists, methodological issues of design education.